Survey Form

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey on the relevance and quality of service you have received. KAIRUKI HOSPITAL GREN IVF honors your feedback and the responses will be used to improve our future performance. Thank you for your input.

Q.1 Please state your level of satisfaction with the process of booking an appointment with your doctor.

Q.2 How do you rate our time management.

Q.3 How do you rate the care from our staff.

Q.4 How do you rate the hospital environment and hygiene.

Q.5 How do you rate our contact and communication system?

Q.6 How do you rate knowledge and understanding of the doctor during the consultation?

Q.7 How do you rate the comfortability of talking with the doctor/counselor?

Q.8 How did you hear about Kairuki Hospital Green IVF?

Q.9 Would you recommend a friend/family to KHGIVF?